Our Journey through Romania and Moldova was Amazing!

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Our Journey through Romania and Moldova was Amazing!

Second Mother gatherings were held across five cities in two nations and we are full of joy.  God is doing amazing things in this community, and we share a common journey with so many women the world over.
Through your generosity, each woman received a Purple Scarf to symbolize that she is Royal in the eyes of God!
LEADERS:  We met incredible women who are writing books, blogging, starting organizations, advocating and serving. It was an honor to meet these leaders and hear their stories! Second Mothers are powerful!! 
LESSONS: Together we learn lessons from each other. Mothers sharing their stories and connecting with other second moms is what makes this community so powerful. It was amazing to see these women determined to help each other.
LOVE:  Second Mothers are pouring out their love on each other and it’s a truly beautiful. Our hearts are full with love for one another and finding fellowship and support.
LIGHT:  As we gather women with the same heart, we share the light of Christ with each other. We reflect the light of his love to our sisters and remember we are standing in this light ourselves. It can feel DARK to be on this hard and complicated journey but together we can stand in the LIGHT.

Thank you for supporting our work with Second Mothers.  


Picture of Jodi


Jodi and her husband Jerry have nine children, six through adoption. Their experience includes both domestic and international adoption, and they are passionate advocates for adoption of older children. Jodi and her daughter Agnes Tucker are the authors of Fasten Your Sweet Belt: 10 Things You Need to Know About Older Child Adoption. They speak widely on the subject and advocate for children worldwide. More about Jodi can be found at jodijacksontucker.com

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