Leadership Team

Tucker Head

Jodi Jackson Tucker


Jodi loves being a wife to Jerry and mom to her large family of world-changers, including eight children, five adopted.  In 2009, as she faced the orphan crisis worldwide, God gave her the dream to unite the women everywhere who love and serve the orphan.  She served twelve years as Global Director of Orphan Sunday for the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO), is a seminary graduate and Certified Chaplain.  She is the author of three books, including Healing for Every Heart in Adoption, Second Mother: A Bible Study Experience for Foster and Adoptive Moms and Fasten Your Sweet Belt: 10 Things You Need to Know About Older Child Adoptio

Elaine Springer

Board Secretary

Elaine is a registered nurse, currently focusing on the underserved in her community health work. For 25 years she served alongside Peter and Anita Deyneka as a missionary to Russia in various capacities. One of her greatest joys was promoting prayer for The CoMission and its missionaries. About eight years ago, Elaine began to write for A Family for Every Orphan and now serves as their prayer coordinator, writing orphan prayer updates twice a month. She and her husband live in Oswego, Illinois and have three granddaughters.

Paula Droege

Board Treasurer

Paula is mother of three adult biological children as well as “second mother” to three young men she and husband Tom adopted as older teens and young adults. Paula also has seven grandchildren. Early in her Christian journey Paula spent two years in Mexico and Honduras doing mission work where the Lord impressed on her heart a burden for the poor and the orphaned. For the past 10 years Paula has volunteered as a Guardian ad Litem for children in foster care. Paula brings to our team thirty-five years of accounting experience in the private sector working in a small business. She is also treasurer for the nonprofit organization, Child Evangelism Fellowship.

Teri Froman

Board Member

God broke Teri’s heart for the orphan during the adoption journeys to Russia and China for her children. She is committed to God’s calling on her life to ensure children’s voices are heard and families are equipped to provide loving homes to God’s children. She brings over 28 years of experience in leadership from both the secular business world and church ministry. Teri is an Executive Minister and completing her Master of Arts in Christian Studies. She has served as an Orphan Sunday coordinator, founding member of Hope 1:17 Orphan Ministry, and board member of Both Hands Foundation. She and her husband Ryan and their children make make their home in mid-Tennessee.

Anita Deyneka

Board Member

Board member Anita and her late husband Peter Deyneka are known throughout Russia and Europe for their years of leading the ministry that is now known as Mission Eurasia.  She currently serves as Director Emeritus of that board, as well as serving on the boards of World Without Orphans and A Family for Every Orphan, global networks advocating for children without families.  She is the author of six books and numerous publications about Christianity and the orphan crisis.  She lives in Wheaton, Illinois and has two married children who were adopted from Colombia and five grandchildren.

Theresa Marcroft (Terri)

Board Member

Terri is an adoptive mom, a huge fan of open adoption, and a marketing professional. She brings over 20 years of B2B marketing experience to our team.  She also serves as Executive Director of Unplanned Good, an organization she founded in 2010 to encourage women facing unplanned pregnancy to consider adoption.  Terri is a California native and makes her home in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Karla Marie William

Board Member

Karla and her husband are parents to six children adopted from foster care. For the last ten years, Karla has conducted Trauma-Competent training through creating her own curriculum for foster & adoptive parents, social workers, and child advocates around the world. With the experience several countries, cultures, and systems, Karla brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise as she ministers to the heart of those who care for traumatized children. She is the author of numerous books on foster care, adoption, homeschooling and the work she has done across the globe.

Malen Papadoupolous

International Strategist

Malen was born and raised in the Philippines. She was called as a missionary to Costa Rica in the 90’s, then God opened door for her to serve in various churches in the US. While serving faithfully in churches with walls, she asked God intensely “What else, Lord?”. That’s when God spoke to her and brought her to James 1:27! She moved to the Philippines together with her family to serve as an orphan advocate in 2011. She served as the Philippines Orphan Sunday Coordinator for Christian Alliance For Orphans, CAFO, for more than a decade. She also served as the Vice President of Philippines Without Orphans. She is married to a Greek American and has a biological daughter and an adopted son who is a special needs child.

Sarah Davis

Events Strategist

Sarah and her husband Shann have been foster parents since 2009, and adoptive parents since 2019. After adopting their son,  Sarah and Shann decided to step away from foster care through the government and continue serving families facing crisis through an organization called Safe Families. Sarah now serves as the ministry lead for Safe Families at their church, encouraging the people of God to be the hands and feet of Christ to those in need. Sarah is also a passionate educator, having homeschooled for 15 years, and for the past 7 of those, taught high school classes for a worldwide homeschooling organization called Classical Conversations.  Sarah and Shann live in North Carolina with their three children. 

Ashlie Atento

Content Strategist

Growing up with an adopted little brother, Ashlie has always had a heart for orphans and hopes to adopt in her future family. Ashlie is a graduate of NC State University and works as an Assistant Planner for Belk’s corporate office. She served as a Development Intern for Lifeline Children’s Services and serves on Renew Retreat’s volunteer team as a content creator. Ashlie loves to combine her passion for helping vulnerable children and their families with her creativity and social media savvy.

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