Gift at My Doorstep


Gift at My Doorstep

Her doorbell rang. When she opened the door, she saw a box-a box that would provide a much needed blessing for over three years.

As a brand new foster mom, she’d just received her first placement–an infant girl. In a tizzy of excitement and nerves, she’d quickly jotted down the items she needed for her new little love-a crib, bottles, blankets, clothes, crib sheets, formula, diaper cream, diapers, wipes and more–so many things that her head spun. How would she ever gather all these items?

Immediately friends and family rallied around, sending gifts to help with many of the baby’s needs.

Perhaps one of the greatest gifts was inside the box sitting outside her front door that morning—a box filled with a month’s supply of diapers and wipes.

For three years and counting, the diaper subscription has arrived month after month to  meet the needs of the precious babies in her care.

That first little one was mine. And the gift that kept on giving came from Darcy, a friend who lived far away, but whose love and compassion was up close and personal in the form of a monthly diaper service.  I cannot begin to tell you how valuable such a gift is to a new mother. If you’ve ever had a baby, you know!

Each time my doorbell rings, and a box of diapers waits behind the door, I’m filled with a deep sense of gratitude. Diapers are essential, and babies go through them fast (I changed about 16 diapers today!) I want every foster mother and struggling family to have the peace of mind that the gift of diapers brings!

You can show love and compassion (like Darcy does) to foster parents, single moms, pregnancy care centers and struggling families by donating diapers in any of these ways:

GIVE to my Virtual Diaper Drive on Facebook:

HOST your own on Virtual Diaper Drive or In-Person Drive for

BUY diapers through our One More Child Target registry and they ship directly to us!

Picture of Sundy Goodnight

Sundy Goodnight

Originally from Central Oklahoma, Sundy Goodnight has a passion for the broken and hurting children of the world. Sher serves as the National Director for the anti-trafficking organization, Stop Child Trafficking Now. Sundy loves her big, blended family of eight siblings. Two are adopted internationally.

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